πŸš€ Welcome to CornerMarket

Local Deals Explorer Powered by Web3

CornerMarket is a Web3 shopping and payments ecosystem built on Sei Network, which is designed to enable small businesses to seamlessly connect with customers and build thriving local communities.

The platform provides merchants with tools to create personalized deals, rewards, and incentives for customers, leveraging blockchain technology to securely tokenize them into NFTs. This fosters customer loyalty while ensuring transparency.

A key feature is the crypto payment system, which allows customers to pay with major cryptocurrencies and frees merchants from costly credit card processing fees. Merchants get paid out in stablecoins without volatility, settlement, or custody concerns.

For customers, CornerMarket introduces paradigm shifts like phone numbers and social media login, removing the need to navigate crypto wallets and seed phrases. It also covers gas fees so transacting feels like Web2. The platform also launched a refer-to-earn model that incentivizes user acquisition through rewards.

By leveraging blockchain technology, CornerMarket establishes direct merchant-consumer connections, saves on costs, and accelerates mainstream Web3 adoption. The mobile app is now available on iOS and Android.

CornerMarket represents the last mile of cryptocurrency adoption in daily life. With an easy-to-use interface and focus on real-world utility, CornerMarket unlocks the next wave of cryptocurrency and blockchain adoption in payments, shopping, and daily life.

The CornerMarket Ecosystem

CornerMarket utilizes blockchain technology to tokenize products, services, and experiences, converting them into NFTs. This tokenization process ensures that each offer has a distinct digital identity. By tokenizing offers, CornerMarket enables seamless management, transferability, and redemption, providing users with a more convenient and reliable consumer experience.

CornerMarket offers efficient crypto payment solutions that help increase merchants' profitability by freeing them from the costly card swipe fees associated with traditional payment providers. Customers can easily and quickly pay with their favorite cryptocurrencies on the app, or via QR codes. In this way, CornerMarket enables fast and convenient transactions without the need for expensive intermediaries or banks.

CornerMarket offers users the ability to sign up and log in using their phone numbers. Users thereby gain instant access to the CornerMarket app without having to navigate cryptocurrency wallets, private keys, and seed phrases. Soon, we will support users logging in using Email, Twitter, and Discord. When they log in this way, a wallet is created for them. This dramatically simplifies the Web3 onboarding process and creates a more seamless experience. Users who are already familiar with crypto can log in using their personal wallet.

CornerMarket released a smart contract extending Permit2 to support ERC 721/1155 tokens. The contract utilizes Permit2 to sign permit approvals off-chain through a signature. This removes the need for costly on-chain approvals, saving gas fees. More significantly, we cover all gas costs for users when interacting with the contract. When users use the CornerMarket app, the experience is completely gas-less, similar to most Web2 applications.

CornerMarket introduces a Refer-to-Earn mechanism to incentivize users to onboard merchants into our app and automatically earn rewards in the process. We call this our Agent Program. The reward is automatically settled by smart contracts, ensuring that the referrer automatically receives a reward of 1% of the merchant's future sales for any businesses they have onboarded. With this mechanism, CornerMarket will create network effects that benefit both the users and the merchants.

CornerMarket integrates fiat-to-crypto currency payment gateways such as Alchemy Pay and Onramper to provide convenient on-ramps and off-ramps. This integration allows users to easily purchase cryptocurrencies using fiat currencies, enabling them to effortlessly participate in the Web3 ecosystem. By bridging the gap between fiat and digital assets, we aim to empower individuals to navigate the world of cryptocurrencies with ease and confidence.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via email at support@cornermarket.co.

Last updated