On-Ramps & Off-Ramps

On-ramps and off-ramps are essential for bringing new users and new money into the cryptocurrency market. They also are key to bridging the gap with the traditional financial world. In order to reach customers beyond hardcore crypto enthusiasts and make Web3 mass adoption a reality, CornerMarket provides a complete on-ramps and off-ramps solution.

In our solution, we offer familiar payment methods, a simple transaction process, popular crypto assets. In this way, CornerMarket provides an ideal on-ramp for any Web2 user to become a Web3 native. Below are the key ways CornerMarket integrates fiat on-ramps to attract mainstream users:

β€’ Partner with Web3 payments providers: CornerMarket partners with popular fiat on-ramp gateways like Conbase Pay, Binance Pay, Alchemy Pay, or Ramp, which enable users to purchase crypto with their bank accounts, credit cards, and payment apps. By accepting multiple partners, CornerMarket avoids being dependent on any single provider, which increases reliability and convenience for users.

β€’ Focused on familiar payment methods: CornerMarket enables users to pay for crypto purchases the same way they pay for any online transaction. This makes the Web3 experience immediately accessible to anyone with a bank account or credit card. We also plan to add new payment gateways available to expand coverage and reach.

β€’ Simple transaction process: CornerMarket provides a simple and intuitive user experience. Users can connect their existing bank accounts and credit cards, select which NFT-based offers they want to buy, and the transaction is completed. CornerMarket and its partners handle the complex backend transactions, making the process feel like any simple online or in-app purchase. This simplicity removes confusion and technical hurdles for Web2 customers, making it easier for them to transition to Web3.

β€’ Starts with major cryptocurrencies: CornerMarket offers users the ability to start by purchasing popular and trusted crypto assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and USDC stablecoin. This lets mainstream customers begin with Web3’s most familiar and user-friendly options, which builds trust and confidence in the platform.

β€’ Expanding asset and service options. Once users can easily buy cryptocurrency through their accounts on CornerMarket, more advanced features like yield farming, crypto-collateralized borrowing, and NFT minting/trading can be introduced. CornerMarket's integrations will allow all of these transactions to still be funded with fiat, unlocking Web3’s potential mainstream participation at every level.

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